Utah County

Fire Marshal

Explore the Utah County Fire Marshal's services, including permit applications, fire safety guidelines, and inspection requirements.

ATTENTION:This department only serves unincorporated Utah County. If your property is in a city, please refer to your city's services or website.

Planning to Burn?


  1. Open burn window: March 30-May 30 & September 15-October 30
  2. Apply for an unincorporated Utah County burn permit. If you plan to burn within city limits, apply for a burn permit here
  3. Burn on a day where there is a clearing index of 500 or higher. When determining the clearing index, click the link mentioned, select your desired burn date, shown just above the map. Next, find your burning location on the map. If the map displays a yellow, orange, or red color over your location, you meet the clearing index requirement.

If you meet the above requirements and plan to burn, please notify dispatch by filling out the form below.

Image of Planning to Burn?

Permits & Applications

Above Ground Fuel Tank Permit Application

An AFT permit allows installation, safe storage, handling, and use of gasoline or diesel fuel for residential or commercial purposes. An inspection is required at the time of installation. ($120+)


LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Tank Construction Permit Application

An LPG Permit allows installation of a tank (above ground or below), safe storage, handling, and use of propane fuel for residential or commercial purposes. An inspection is required at the time of installation. ($65 +)


Burn Permit Application

A Burn Permit is required to legally conduct controlled burns of vegetation (no garbage or construction waste) in unincorporated Utah County. A permit is not required for burning irrigation ditches and fence lines. ($10-20).


Hazardous Materials Permit Application

A Hazmat Permit is required for all businesses located in the Unincorporated Utah County area that produce, process, use, or store any hazardous materials or waste. A facility inspection will be conducted annually. ($35+)


Pyrotechnic Display Permit Application

Allows for indoor and outdoor displays for events located in unincorporated Utah County. Application must be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the event and an inspection is required. ($150 +)


Explosive Blasting Permit Application

Blasting applications for unincorporated Utah County are currently directed to the Utah State Fire Marshal's Office. https://firemarshal.utah.gov/


Fire Safety Inspections

Schedule a fire safety inspection to ensure compliance with the county codes (6.06-6.12). Our inspectors will provide expert guidance on necessary improvements.

We inspect:

Schedule an inspection:

Image of Fire Safety Inspections

Fire Safety

Image of Fire Prevention & Protection - Utah County Code

Fire Prevention & Protection - Utah County Code

Essential rules and regulations for maintaining fire safety.

Learn More
Image of Outdoor Fire Requirements

Outdoor Fire Requirements

Information on special event fires, recreational fires, and outdoor fires in Wildland/Urban Interface areas. 

Learn More
Image of Home Fuel Storage

Home Fuel Storage

Guidelines for storing fuel in, or near, a residential home.

Learn More
Image of Propane Protection

Propane Protection

Key facts, detector information, and safety guidelines.

Learn More


Reach out to the Fire Marshal office for inquiries or inspection scheduling:

51 South University Avenue, Suite 120 Provo, Utah 84601

Mon - Fri | 8:00am - 5:00pm

Office may be closed on county holidays