Utah County

Board of Adjustment

Discover the Board of Adjustment's meeting schedule, agendas, and resources for error and variance applications.

Meeting Schedule & Purpose

The Utah County Board of Adjustment meets the first Thursday of each month at 5:15 pm in Suite 1400 of the Utah County Administration Building located at 100 East Center Street, Provo, Utah, unless otherwise noticed and published.

Contact Us

Please direct any comments regarding agenda items for the Utah County Planning Commission to the following email address: planningcommission@utahcounty.gov

Next Meeting


Variances Application

Request to modify a zoning requirement due to unique parcel aspects causing burdensome requirements.


Alleged Error Application

Appeal an alleged error in a decision by Utah County regarding the administration or interpretation of the land use ordinance.


Previous Agendas & Minutes

Board of Adjustment agendas are posted to the County website 24 hours prior to the next meeting.

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