Agricultural Use Exemption
For structures used for "agricultural use" and "not for human occupancy" which are exempt from applicable building permit requirements.
FORMExplore comprehensive resources for land use planning, development services, and other zoning information to effectively guide and support projects and initiatives.
A preliminary zone clearance request is available to the public to answer both general and specific zoning questions regarding an individual parcel or lot. These requests can include:
Upon completing the Zone Clearance request and having paid the associated fee, the applicant will typically receive a written statement within 10 business days. This statement will address their submitted questions and whether the request is approved, conditionally approved, or not approved.
For structures used for "agricultural use" and "not for human occupancy" which are exempt from applicable building permit requirements.
FORMThe first step to open a business in Unincorporated Utah County, detailing permitted uses and conditions.
FORMFloodplain Development Permit
FORMLand Use Ordinance Violation Report
FORMRequest for Reasonable Accommodation
FORMAn application for temporary uses listed in Section 8.16 of the Utah County Land Use Ordinance.
FORMA form, specific to Hobble Creek Canyon, recorded for new occupied structures with domestic water or sewage facilities.
FORMWater Rights Declaration, Waiver, and Release with Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Unincorporated Utah County)
FORMAnswers zoning questions for a parcel, providing a written statement on requirements, issues, and use approval.
FORMInteractive map for unincorporated zoning and parcel information
General Plan map for roads and proposed transportation corridors
General Plan map for existing and planned land use designations
Interactive maps of various natural hazard areas in Utah County
Flood hazard map from the Federal Emergency Management Agency
General Plan map for existing and planned trails in Utah County
Interactive map for tax and parcel information
PDF Zone map for unincorporated Utah County
General Plan map for open ranges as of 2017 in Utah County
A large-scale development is a process to subdivide property for development purposes. Utah County has five Large Scale development types:
Note: The provided information is only intended to be a general summary. Detailed information can be found in Chapter 14 of the Utah County Land Use Ordinance.
Applicants may schedule a meeting with county staff to receive information about the development process, discuss subdivision requirements, or review submittal documents at any point prior to or during the development process.
The applicant submits four hard copies and one electronic copy of the Preliminary Subdivision Application, along with all required documents, to the Community Development Office. County staff will review the submission and provide feedback, which the applicant must address. This may include comments from the Public Works Department, Health Department, and Fire Marshal.
The applicant submits one hard copy and one electronic copy of the Final Subdivision Application, including all revised and approved preliminary items, along with any new required items, to the Community Development Office. County staff will review the final submission and provide feedback, which the applicant must address.
Before recording the Large-Scale Development, the applicant shall execute the required improvements and the bond agreement.
If you have any questions about Large Scale Developments, please contact our planner, Xiao Dong (
Meetings are typically held every Monday from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. To schedule a Pre-Application meeting, please contact our planner: Xiao Dong (
This meeting covers the Land Use Ordinance, as well as the requirements and process for subdivisions and large-scale developments.
This meeting addresses specific questions the applicant/property owner may have regarding their project and provides feedback on the concept plans.
Prior to attending this meeting, the applicant must submit the concept plans, an application, and the required fee (see Fee Schedule). Staff will provide comments, suggestions, and feedback during the meeting.
A subdivision is any land that is divided into two or more lots for the purpose of sale, lease, or development. Subdivisions are a common practice in property development and are typically required when a property owner would like to create new lots for residences. Planned Subdivisions are the most commonly utilized subdivision type in Utah County. Specific Planned Subdivision requirements can be found in Utah County Land Use Ordinance Section 14.12.